On May 16, 2023 voters will vote in the primary elections for Districts 2, 4, 6, and 8. Mark your calendar for these key dates leading up to election day!
February 14: First Day for Candidates to Circulate Nominating Petitions
March 7: Last Day for Candidates to Circulate and File Nominating Petitions
April 1: Vote School Board First! publishes responses to Candidate Questionnaire
May 1: Last Day to Register to Vote!
May 9: Last Day to Apply for Absentee or Mail In Ballot
May 16: Last Day to Return Mail or Absentee Ballots by 8:00 PM
May 16: Election Day! Polls are open from 7:00 AM- 8:00 PM
Not sure where you vote? Find out here
For any further information, or if you need help with registering to vote, please email gmulqueen@aplusschools.org