Cynthia Falls
- Q: Currently, nearly half of the dollars spent at a school building are allocated centrally and not accounted for at the building level, making it difficult to know whether resources are being distributed equitably to meet student needs. How will you make Pittsburgh Public Schools budgeting process more transparent?
- A: Many services are allotted from Central Office as needed per school. The budget is presented and available on line for public access. Any specific questions should be directed to the Chief Financial Officer of PPS.
- Q: Under what circumstances would you support increasing or decreasing property taxes in the district? What research or evidence would you use to help you make that decision?
- A: We have qualified staff that would bring the appropriate information to the Board for review and discuss this matter in an open meeting with the public.
- Q: Over the last several years Pittsburgh Public Schools has seen a decline in student enrollment. How will you reverse this trend to keep families in the district?
- A: Student enrollment has been declining for more than the past several years. We need to be proactive in publicizing advanced academic programs, CTE programs and the opportunities available qualifying for the Pittsburgh Promise.
- Q: How will you, as a board member, improve the district’s transportation system?
- A: I am not sure what is meant by improving the district's transportation system. This is state funded and mandated. We expect the director of transportation to abide by the mandates and comprise the most efficient system possible.
- Q: Do you support the universal screening of all students for Gifted and Talented education supports?
- A: Universal screening for Gifted and Talented education is a topic that deserves input from all of the stakeholders. Proper information and presentation(s) bring all aspects of this topic to the forefront.
- Q: Do you agree with the board’s decision to create another tier of disciplinary infractions? Would you be in favor of creating more tiers to better address behavior problems?
- A: Tiers of infractions should exist for the variety disciplines that should be evaluated on a one on one basis. I look forward to the upcoming community forums with all stakeholders as it relates to the code of conduct.
- Q: Suspensions and expulsions are rarely an effective means for improving school climate. What alternatives will you support (eg. Restorative Justice, Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems, others) through policy to reduce school pushout and improve school climate? (Please cite the research or evidence you will use to back up your policy position).
- A: We have a very efficient policy committee that meets and reviews all input provided under the guidance of our legal department. The outcome of this committee is then brought forth before the Board for discussion, review and eventually must be voted on.
- Q: If elected, your main job will be to serve over 26,000 students in Pittsburgh’s district and charter schools. How will you ensure student voice is taken into account by the school board?
- A: I think the best way to ensure student voice is heard is to visit the schools and listen to the students. Carrying their messages back to the Board and Administration is important to me. In addition, Administration is working on strategies to ensure student voices.
- Q: Pittsburgh Public Schools hiring process often does not conclude until August for many new teachers, later than most surrounding districts. What policies will you enact to improve the hiring timeline for new teachers and to attract a more diverse pool of candidates?
- A: Prospective candidates can apply and proceed through the interview process in April or May. Of course, passing all the requirements will complete the hiring process.
- Q: PPS is currently in the planning stages of creating community schools. What research or evidence will you use to monitor the successful implementation of a community schools model?
- A: It will be the responsibility of the person in charge of community schools to report back to the Board with data and explain the status and progress made at each of the schools.
- Q: Reading at grade level by third grade has been shown to be a strong predictor of future academic success, and in 2016 only 47% of Pittsburgh’s third graders met that bar. What will you do as a Board member to ensure that students benefit from systematic, comprehensive and evidence-based reading interventions so that more of our students are reading at grade level by third grade?
- A: There are literacy people that will held accountable for monitoring achievement and reporting back to the Board. The introduction of new curriculum will add to the assistance of correlating the material to the PA Common Core Standards.
- Q: How will you as a board member identify gaps in opportunities for students and work to address them so as to close gaps in student achievement?
- A: Each school must evaluate the data from their students and utilize the resources to meet the needs of each individual student to work toward closing the gaps in student achievement.
- Q: How will you ensure that students receive a well-balanced and healthy lunch that students will want to eat?
- A: This is a federally funded program and must meet several mandates. There are people that oversee the proper nutritional needs of our students.
- Q: How will you make sure students have up to date materials especially in history and literature classes?
- A: The book committee reviews the material and determines what materials are appropriate. This committee consists of a variety of stakeholders.
- Q: What is your vision for the expansion of Pre-K in Pittsburgh? What do you see as the role of Pre-K in a child's learning progression through the PPS system?
- A: State funding has increased to expand Pre-K and we support this effort. The importance of Pre-K will continue to be a major emphasis.
- Q: How will you work constructively with the eight other board members to ensure all Pittsburgh students receive a quality education?
- A: Board leadership is vital. The Board President must keep the remainder of the Board informed of all matters so efficient and effective decisions can be made.
- Q: How will you effectively advocate for Pittsburgh’s students with other elected officials, both local and state?
- A: The PPS Board members are elected officials and it's own governing entity with levying rights the same as our state and local officials. Each one has their own responsibilities and sharing information is vital. We have a committee that is established to ensure this relationship meets all of the guidelines to be productive.
- Q: How will you communicate the board’s work with your constituents, parents and non-parents alike?
- A: It is the Superintendent's responsibility to evaluate the Communication and Marketing department to be assured that this communication is occurring. If not, this should be brought to the Superintendent's attention.
- Q: How will you support best practices in early education (Pre-K- Grade 4), including play based learning and a focus on social and emotional skills?
- A: The Superintendent is accountable for evaluating and bringing forth any other options or resources that may be necessary.