Veronica Edwards
- Q: Currently, nearly half of the dollars spent at a school building are allocated centrally and not accounted for at the building level, making it difficult to know whether resources are being distributed equitably to meet student needs. How will you make Pittsburgh Public Schools budgeting process more transparent?
- A: The Superintendent and the department of budgeting and finance has this information.
- Q: Under what circumstances would you support increasing or decreasing property taxes in the district? What research or evidence would you use to help you make that decision?
- A: Only if needed. I would use property assessments to be fair and equitable.
- Q: Over the last several years Pittsburgh Public Schools has seen a decline in student enrollment. How will you reverse this trend to keep families in the district?
- A: Trading staff in customer service techniques. See them as customers to place a greater value on retaining them.
- Q: How will you, as a board member, improve the district’s transportation system?
- A: Keep best practices and implement new strategies for success. Work with all stakeholders.
- Q: Do you support the universal screening of all students for Gifted and Talented education supports?
- A: Yes!
- Q: Do you agree with the boards’ decision to create another tier of disciplinary infractions? Would you be in favor of creating more tiers to better address behavior problems?
- A: No. The problem is systemic . Let's work on the system.
- Q: Suspensions and expulsions are rarely an effective means for improving school climate. What alternatives will you support (eg. Restorative Justice, Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems, others) through policy to reduce school pushout and improve school climate? (Please cite the research or evidence you will use to back up your policy position).
- A: I would use character education to teach them acceptable and unacceptable behaviors then hold them more accountable .
- Q: If elected, your main job will be to serve over 26,000 students in Pittsburgh’s district and charter schools. How will you ensure student voice is taken into account by the school board?
- A: Set up a communication process and keep them involved in the process. The process would include all stakeholders.
- Q: Pittsburgh Public Schools hiring process often does not conclude until August for many new teachers, later than most surrounding districts. What policies will you enact to improve the hiring timeline for new teachers and to attract a more diverse pool of candidates?
- A: Continuous recruitment throughout the year. Communicate with colleges and universities.
- Q: PPS is currently in the planning stages of creating community schools. What research or evidence will you use to monitor the successful implementation of a community schools model?
- A: I would pilot schools where the need is greatest. Use their data to show if it works in our City.
- Q: Reading at grade level by third grade has been shown to be a strong predictor of future academic success, and in 2016 only 47% of Pittsburgh’s third graders met that bar. What will you do as a Board member to ensure that students benefit from systematic, comprehensive and evidence-based reading interventions so that more of our students are reading at grade level by third grade?
- A: Focus early education to ensure curriculum is aligned to make better readers of our students. Give them the needed resources to get the job successful done.
- Q: How will you as a board member identify gaps in opportunities for students and work to address them so as to close gaps in student achievement?
- A: An age old problem which is also systemic. You have to work with the problem from inside and outside the schools. Schools, communities, foundations and parents. I believe the problem began when it was against the law to teach a black child to read. We can discuss it with open minded discussions .
- Q: How will you ensure that students receive a well-balanced and healthy lunch that students will want to eat?
- A: Ask them and then make it work with adult supervision within regulations.
- Q: How will you make sure students have up to date materials especially in history and literature classes?
- A: Work with curriculum and school staff. Include the help of technology.
- Q: What is your vision for the expansion of Pre-K in Pittsburgh? What do you see as the role of Pre-K in a child's learning progression through the PPS system?
- A: Make sure all materials are aligned to meet the goals of the School District.
- Q: How will you work constructively with the eight other board members to ensure all Pittsburgh students receive a quality education?
- A: Respect, responsibility, research, knowledge and the wisdom to get the job done while caring about the outcome and results of all our families.
- Q: How will you effectively advocate for Pittsburgh’s students with other elected officials, both local and state?
- A: Combine all stakeholders to work towards quality of life for our families.
- Q: How will you communicate the board’s work with your constituents, parents and non-parents alike?
- A: Keep the constructs in place that allow us to work together for the good of all students.
- Q: How will you support best practices in early education (Pre-K- Grade 4), including play based learning and a focus on social and emotional skills?
- A: Connect all the stakeholders and make sure we keep what's working and add the element of character education!